demography|demographies in English


[de'mog·ra·phy || -fɪ]

study of the vital statistics of a population (i.e. deaths and birth)

Use "demography|demographies" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "demography|demographies" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "demography|demographies", or refer to the context using the word "demography|demographies" in the English Dictionary.

1. Demography matters too.

2. The growth optimists point to India's favourable demography.

3. But this is what elementary demography makes clear.

4. Second, and more subtly, one can look at demography.

5. Demography is the analysis of population variables.

6. " The hard realities of demography will take hold .

7. The study's findings were reported in the Demography.

8. The census can not total up its own demography.

9. He set out to learn the theory and data of demography.

10. 27 But this study, from psychologists in Durham, is demography not anecdote.

11. Notable examples include foreign exchange and financial markets, technology and demography.

12. What were unequivocally dramatic were changes in demography and urban structure.

13. The subject of demography has merged with that of reproductive strategies of organisms.

14. The equation needed to adjust for practice demography will be difficult to validate.

15. But this study, from psychologists in Durham, is demography not anecdote.

16. The Red Colobus Monkeys: Variation In Demography, Behavior, And Ecology Of Endangered Species.

17. In the 19th century major population movements altered the original Patagonian demography.

18. There are two reasons why India will soon start to outpace China. One is demography.

19. Forecasting future fertility is the most difficult task in demography, and seldom successfully attempted.

20. All previous elections had possessed a ritual quality with the outcome determined in advance by religious demography.

21. As for supply, the picture in much of the developed world is haunted by demography.

22. At a regional level, India and Bangladesh are the beneficiaries of the development-democracy-demography dividend.

23. 17 There are two reasons why India will soon start to outpace China. One is demography.

24. This team draws together researchers with experience in economic and social demography with epidemiology and statistics.

25. This is a two-year integrated project involving four scholars specializing in literature, demography , economics and political science.